The preparation of equipment

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    • #14609
      Petr FolwarcznyPetr Folwarczny

      Hello, old friends. I hope you’ve enjoyed this winter. Looking out the window and at the thermometer, it looks like we won’t be enjoying it much longer. I hope. A few more weeks and we’ll need to reassemble our fleet of gliders. But before that happens, we’ll need to prepare for it. As you probably already know, starting this year, we will be keeping our aircraft in a different location, and that is roughly in the middle of the airport, west of the east hangar. This will free up space for taxiing or emergency maneuvers. We have already started the relocation process by pulling all the anchors from their original positions. Starting this Thursday, we want to take advantage of the nice weather and start installing anchors in the new locations. Installation will continue each time weather permitting. It won’t be an easy job, the ground in those spots is mixed with gravel. Therefore, I suggest that every Saturday, weather permitting, should be a working Saturday. The sooner we get our equipment ready, the better. Well, don’t say you don’t miss it anymore…


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