Traveling DPE

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    • #14585
      Don GrilloDon Grillo

      A traveling DPE may come in handy if needed in a pinch


      Hi folks!

      My name is Edward Winchester I’m a traveling Glider DPE with ground launch (Winch) and (Self-Launch) motor glider endorsements.  I am a relatively recently retired middle school MST teacher.  I am 58 years old and have been flying gliders for 45 years.  I became a DPE to help my club, the Adirondack Soaring Association of which I am a founding member and the current vice president.  Over the last year I was asked by the FAA if I might be interested in traveling to do check rides.  I hadn’t considered it.   I found the idea intriguing and that news spread quickly by word of mouth through the Northeast and Southeast. I was contacted by several clubs and commercial operators and have been actively conducting many check rides on the East Coast.  There are a few of us out here that travel as necessary, not to impinge on other local DPE’s, we are more a “go to in a pinch” type operation.  I would just like to pass along my website and offer my services in the event that you run into a situation where I could be of service.  I can also be utilized as a glider instructor on a limited basis.

      Happy Soaring!

      Edward Winchester

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