Safety and our field

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    • #14557
      John LincolnJohn Lincoln

      Good Morning, John DeRosa has been pushing us to be SAFE. I am continuing that push. Along with the morning briefing, a GSO and sufficient ground crew for a safe operation I have always thought that having our fleet and trailers parked next to our taxi way has been an unsafe condition. I can point to three examples of this. Our Blanik was totaled when it came off the runway and hit the container parked next to Harmony Creek, on our home web page you will see the Krosno being towed back right next to the runway and Karl hit Pumpkin when it was on the side of the runway or right next to the side of the runway. We have the room for more space and starting next year we will have that space because we are going to move the fleet, aircraft and trailers to the farm field west of the east hangar. I wish all our members a Merry Christmas and a Happy and safe New Year. John Lincoln

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