Friday 9-22

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    • #14245
      John LincolnJohn Lincoln

      The weather for Friday 9-22 looks ok. Starting around 1:30 the thermals are forecast to be around 3 knots and go as high as 3700 msl. Cu’s starting at around 2:30 with bases around 7500 msl. winds on the surface out of the southeast at 6 to 7 knots. the only fly in the ointment is it is forecast to die at 4:30 to 5. but what the hey, a couple nice hours isn’t all that bad. Anyone up for flying?

    • #14247
      Petr FolwarcznyPetr Folwarczny

      Yes, I would like to come and fly on Friday. Petr

    • #14249
      John LincolnJohn Lincoln

      Good morning sports fans. I started this thread so I feel I should be keeping everyone updated on it. SkySite has changed it’s forecast for tomorrow. The lift is the same, 3 knots, height at 1:30 is a bit higher at 4,000 msl. Basically no Cu’s now. More wind 8 to 9 knots out of the SE. Top of lift is 4,100 agl. The bad news is lift is forecast to die between 3:30 to 4. We might get 2 hours in but maybe not. Since SkySite updates their forecast throughout the day I’ll follow it and give an update late this afternoon or this evening. John Lincoln

    • #14252
      John LincolnJohn Lincoln

      And now Good Evening sports fans! If you have been following the weather like myself or waiting for me to post something you have probably noticed the precipitation that has darkened my afternoon. SkySight has noticed. First the forecast winds are up to 9 to 10 knots still out of the se. The thermals are now down to 2.7 knots and only go to 2990′ agl. And at 2990′ agl the winds are 17 to 20 knots mostly out of the south. Now no Cu’s. And when I look at the radar map of Illinois there is a low due south of us that’s barely moving. So put it all together and I am going to stay home and finish the mowing that the rain stopped me from doing today, provided it isn’t raining tomorrow. Sorry if I got your hopes up. I hope there will be one more nice day for soaring, but time is getting short. John Lincoln

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