Flying tomorrow Friday August 18th

Welcome to Sky Soaring Forums Restricted content Flying tomorrow Friday August 18th

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  • Author
    • #14039
      Timothy GaitherTimothy Gaither

      Looks like tomorrow, Friday Aug 18th will be a good day to fly.  I can be at the field by 10 if anyone else is interested.  Tim Gaither

    • #14040
      David WintersDavid Winters

      I can be also, but need instructor and tow pilot

    • #14041
      Rich WalendaRich Walenda


      Hopefully tomorrow and Saturday are not as breezy as Rockford (KRFD) today.  Winds are now 28015G22KT.  It will not be a fun day with a 24 mph wind.

      Pop quiz:  what are the wind limits for a 2-33 glider?  What are the club limits?



    • #14042
      Rich WalendaRich Walenda


      The Pop Quiz Answer:

      For 2-33 limits I will let you keep searching.  Ask an Instructor if you do not know.

      Club rules are to Suspend Flight Operations if…
      ● Wind exceeds 20 KTS or gusts exceed 25 KTS.
      Crosswind component is in excess of POH limits or excessive for pilot experience.
      ● Approaching storm.
      Student pilots are limited to;
      o logbook endorsements.

      No flying for students if
      o Tailwind for aerotow takeoff exceeds 5 KTS.
      o Tailwind for landing exceeds 5 KTS.

      o Visibility is less than 3 miles.
      o Ceiling is less than 1500 ft. AGL.
      o Field conditions are unsuitable.
      o Approaching storm conditions.
      o Student pilots require a CFI-G to be present.



    • #14043
      John ScottJohn Scott

      I can be out by noon tomorrow to tow if anyone wants to fly.

    • #14046
      Rich WalendaRich Walenda


      I see you and Andy on Book Our Plane. I took today off and can come out and help around 1230.



    • #14047
      Don GrilloDon Grillo

      Nick will be out to tow around 1230, John can instruct. I’m working on tomorrows safety review presentation for our monthly meeting. Not sure if I’ll be able to make it out today.


    • #14139
      Rich WalendaRich Walenda

      Hello:Hopefully tomorrow and Saturday are not as breezy as Rockford (KRFD) today. Winds are now 28015G22KT. It will not be a fun day with a 24 mph wind.Pop quiz: what are the wind limits for a 2-33 glider? What are the club limits?Regards,Rich

    • #14140
      John DeRosaJohn DeRosa

      I will be out to help out but probably not fly … but who knows!

      John H DeRosa(OHM Ω)

      On Thursday, August 17, 2023 at 11:08:29 AM CDT, SSI <> wrote:

      Reply To: Flying tomorrow Friday August 18th From David Winters, [General Discussion Forum]

      I can be also, but need instructor and tow pilot

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    • #14141
      John ScottJohn Scott

      I can be out by noon tomorrow to tow if anyone wants to fly.

      John M. Scott

    • #14142
      Nicholas LegenzaNicholas Legenza

      I can tow starting at 12:45 if an instructor is available.

      Sent from my iPhone

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