Reply To: Membership Meeting Sat Apr 15

Welcome to Sky Soaring Forums Restricted content Membership Meeting Sat Apr 15 Reply To: Membership Meeting Sat Apr 15

John DeRosaJohn DeRosa
With thanks to Mike Vaughn I was able to complete my Flight Review today using the FAA WINGS program.
The FAA WINGS Pilot Proficiency Program “…is based on the
premise that pilots who maintain currency and proficiency in the basics
of flight will enjoy a safer and more stress-free flying experience…”
This is my second consecutive Flight Review using the WINGS program. Sky Soaring’s recurring activities helped me along the way. Our Spring Checkout flights gave me credit towards the three CFIG flights that I needed. Then our Spring Safety Meetings counted towards the three seminars that I needed to attend.
Spreading these activities over the course of two years makes Flight Reviews through WINGS the best way to go. Just visit to get started.
– John DeRosa

On Saturday, April 15, 2023 at 06:39:42 PM CDT, SSI <> wrote:

Reply To: Membership Meeting Sat Apr 15 From Rich Walenda, [General Discussion Forum]


We had the meeting at 9 am and received a status of the club. No earth shattering news but some good information as to the status of club finances, gliders, and safety. It was worth it to attend. We then got 4 flights in before the wind and rain. CFI Mike Vaughn conducted the 4 Wings flights for 2 members. Not a bad start for this year. Mr. Scott towed. Many other small projects were done, including towing out the balloon trailer to a safer location and work on the hangar radio antenna. See you next time.



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