How About Friday?

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    • #13374
      Tim PonsotTim Ponsot

      Hi Folks—-looks like we will have a pretty nice flyable day tomorrow so long as the predicted crosswind wind stays manageable.

      I can help with spring checkouts until about 3 if anyone’s interested. I’d prefer to start fairly early so I can help as many of you as possible but it’ll depend on tow pilot availability.

      Let me know what you want to do.



    • #13375
      Nicholas LegenzaNicholas Legenza

      I’m interested in an operation tmr 🙂

      Sent from my iPhone

    • #13376
      John ScottJohn Scott

      Count me in.

      John M. Scott

    • #13377
      Don GrilloDon Grillo

      I’m having some work done on the house and can’t be there until 2 or so.

      — Don
    • #13378

      Tomorrow does not work for me

      Cornelis van de klippe

    • #13383
      Tim PonsotTim Ponsot

      For all who intend to do your spring checkout with me, I wanted to offer some information that I hope will demystify the process and make you aware of an objective standard. I’m writing this out to keep myself organized and efficient tomorrow as much as anything else. I want to review the following tasks with each of you:

      Preflight Inspection

      Before Takeoff Check

      Normal and Crosswind Takeoff

      Maintaining Tow Positions

      Slack Line

      Boxing the Wake

      Tow Release

      Abnormal Occurrences

      Steep Turns

      Forward Slips and Sideslips

      Stall Recognition and Recovery

      Normal and Crosswind Landings

      You’ll find these tasks in the Practical Test Standards of the rating appropriate to your experience level. You need not perform these tasks to PTS standards but I do want to spend some time briefing on what those standards are. The learning objective is that during the debrief you would be able to self-evaluate whether your performance met the practical test standards or not so much.

      Expect the checkout to consist of 3 flights, 2×2000’ tows and 1 flight involving a simulated Premature Termination of the Tow.



    • #13384
      Dennis BurkeDennis Burke

      Tim,  some of us did 2 flights gor Spring Checkout on Sat 4/8/23, instead of 3 flights.The initial was to 3000 to get the PTS tasks in, and 2nd flight for PTT handling.  I think there is still(?) a 3rd flight required, but it wasn’t clear if that is Solo, or with a CFI, since things were busy on Say with many CFIs getting cleared for spring check.Can anyone clarify the 3rd flight req?


    • #13385
      Don GrilloDon Grillo

      Denny, you will need a third solo flight to meet the 90 day currency before you can take up a passenger. FAR 61.57

      — Don
    • #13386
      Dennis BurkeDennis Burke

      Thank you Don.  Now its clear!

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