Friday April 6 – A Very Important Day

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    • #13340
      John DeRosaJohn DeRosa

      I know that there have been lots of emails from the board lately.  But as we get our season going during this critical time frame each email’s information is important.

      Tomorrow, Friday April 6th, Ron Ridenour will be on the field to perform a Soaring Safety Foundation (SSF) “Site Survey”.  I cannot say it strong enough that that we have a “perfect” Site Survey result which is so very important for our club.

      How well we do during this survey may very well hold the key to our retaining our insurance for the coming year.  And it is not just about the flying.  It is also how well we all handle ourselves on the ground.  The GSO position is especially important.  The wing runner is the next in line in importance (have you passed the SSF wing runner course?).

      Reminder – From this point forward every member that comes onto the field, and wants to be part of our operations, must have a “clean” blue book sheet.  Make sure that yours is up to date.  If anything is missing then now is the time to make it right.

      So please come out and help on the flight line while our instructors get their spring checkouts.

      Thank you, John DeRosa President

      PS – Still listening?  All gliders must land and come to a complete stop within the threshold markers.  DO NOT overrun the runway into the overrun area unless absolutely necessary.

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