Getting the flying season going

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    • #13322
      Don GrilloDon Grillo

      Hello Sky Soaring members,

      After discussions with the SSF members that attended our Safety Meeting, the BOD will be implementing new safety procedures starting immediately. One of those new procedures require all CFI-G’s to have a spring checkout before flying with any members or even solo. This is also required for every member. We have not had the opportunity to provide CFI-G’s a spring checkout so far this season. We will be doing this as soon as possible. We may have an opportunity this Sunday if the forecast winds do not exceed limits. All club CFI-G’s should keep an eye on Sundays weather and come out to the field if conditions permit flying. Member Spring Checkout flights will start after we have qualified CFI-G’s to do them.

      Don Grillo
      Flight Committee Chairman

    • #13324
      Mike HurdMike Hurd
      My compliments to the Sky Soaring Board of Directors. Their efforts in promoting safety and in working so diligently in dealing with the insurance issues is historic. Thank you, gentlemen.Mike

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