Reply To: Saturday

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John LincolnJohn Lincoln


Thanks for all your work. John D and John O for work on the winch lights, both Saturday and Thursday. Also on the winch thanks to Don, John O, John D and Steve for getting the stainless steel covers on. Thanks to Petr for his work on the electrical systems in the hangar. Thanks to John P for mowing the alfalfa field although it’s premature. Please wait to restart that project until at least mid to late October. Thanks to Don and Gary for looking into the repair of the 1-26E elevator. It is still grounded. Thanks to Jimbob for a couple of suggestions that should make making the repair easier. Steve was out mowing the other day. A big thanks to Rich Walenda for keeping our first aid kits up and current and for all the FREE first aid training he has dispensed. Like he has said, it takes all of us to run and maintain this club. A note of interest for all of us, The hangar roof will start to be repainted (weather permitting) on October 3rd. John Lincoln, Maintenance