Reply To: Sky Soaring Spring Safety Meeting Update

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John DeRosaJohn DeRosa

All Sky Soaring Members,

Reminder of the upcoming Sky Soaring mandatory annual safety meeting this Saturday, March 26th, at 9AM CT. Attendance will be kept and FAA WINGS credit will be given. Have you completed your required wing runner (or tow pilot) course yet? See details below from Don Grillo.
A team will arrive early the day of the meeting to warm up the hangar as Saturday may not be spring time warm weather just yet. As we do every year following the meeting we will continue the process of assembling the fleet. Every ship in the fleet is currently in annual though a few are awaiting some more efforts before being ready to fly.
Aviation safety is paramount! In-person attendance at the hangar is the very best approach to getting the most impact from our annual safety briefing via interactive Q&A. But if you absolutely cannot attend in person then the link to the Zoom meeting is shown below. Questions can be asked during the Zoom meeting via chat window.
John H DeRosa
President, Sky Soaring Glider Club


On Thursday, March 3, 2022, 10:14:44 AM CST, SSI <> wrote: