Welcome to Sky Soaring Forums Restricted content SSI ANNUAL MEETING NOV 20TH!!

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    • #11293
      John DeRosaJohn DeRosa

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      <p class=”yiv8752129493ydpca54c2fdyiv4763945126MsoNormal”><b>All Sky Soaring Members;</b></p>

      <p class=”yiv8752129493ydpca54c2fdyiv4763945126MsoNormal”></p>

      <p class=”yiv8752129493ydpca54c2fdyiv4763945126MsoNormal”><b>On Saturday, November 20th at 9AM we will hold the important membership’s Annual Meeting.  Location details to follow.</b></p>

      <p class=”yiv8752129493ydpca54c2fdyiv4763945126MsoNormal”></p>

      <p class=”yiv8752129493ydpca54c2fdyiv4763945126MsoNormal” dir=”ltr”><b>The key event during this meeting is the election of your 2021-2022 Sky Soaring Board of Directors.   Please note that Regular members (current share holders), Honorary, and Patron members only can run for office and vote.  Further information will be sent this week to those members.</b></p>

      <p class=”yiv8752129493ydpca54c2fdyiv4763945126MsoNormal”></p>

      <p class=”yiv8752129493ydpca54c2fdyiv4763945126MsoNormal” dir=”ltr”><b>Als0 important is that following the meeting we will disassemble the fleet of gliders for the winter and store them on stands in the hangar (weather dependent).  Lots of hands will be needed!  Also, all pilots wanting to solo in 2022 should be part of this as they need an “assembly and disassembly procedures” endorsement in their log books – see FAR 61.87 (H) (i) (13).

      <p class=”yiv8752129493ydpca54c2fdyiv4763945126MsoNormal”></p>

      <div><b>So everyone please plan on attending this important event in support of your club.</b></div>
      <div>– John DeRosa</div>
      <div>President, Sky Soaring Glider Club</div>

    • #11355
      Dennis BurkeDennis Burke

      My first time voting,… is the 2022 Slate the same as last year? Is a paper ballot used?

    • #11359
      John DeRosaJohn DeRosa


      The Sky Soaring Board of Directors voting is held during the 2021 Annual Meeting and will be via in-person paper ballot (or via proxy – assigning another voting member to vote for you).
      All voting members (Patron, Honorary, and Regular) should have already received an email sent by me on October 29th and containing the proxy form.
      Contact me directly if any voting member did not receive this email.
      John H DeRosa
      President, Sky Soaring Glider Club


      On Wednesday, November 10, 2021, 08:02:31 PM CST, Sky Soaring <> wrote:

    • #11360
      Jeff MoranJeff Moran
      I do not see my ballot.  I don’t see it in my spam folder either.
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