Reply To: Samba XXL

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Interesting.  The Samba and also the Sundancer are both built by Distar in the Czech Republic, and I have flown in both of these.  They are both fine planes, certainly more nimble than a Cessna 172.  The Samba I flew in was in Toronto, and the owner there was going to sell his to buy a bigger plane.  I can check with him if you like to do comparison shopping.

After much thought, I did flight training in the Pipistrel Virus and Sinus (49 ft wingspan on the Sinus and 30:1 glide ratio), and have a Sinus Flex Max being delivered in Zephyrhills Florida in the fall.  I did my checkride in KZPH in the Virus in February.  Don also got his self-launch endorsement with CFI Rand Vollmer in KZPH.  The Samba glide ratio is about 23:1 as I recall.

I say go for it if the price is right.
